
Living Room Basketball Game of PIG

By February 25, 2014June 18th, 2018No Comments

living-room-basketball-pigHow does Bacon Sports roll? We’ve got a 13-foot basketball hoop in the living room of the place we affectionately call the Bacon Skybox. It’s the ultimate man cave, a place where we act a fool, create awesomeness, and OD on sports. We want to show you more glimpses into who we are and how we get down so that’s why I strapped a GoPro to my head and taped our latest game of Living Room Basketball. Myself, G-Hunt, and Marty D played a game of PIG and these are the highlights.


We want to hear from you. Are there shots that you want to see us take? We are confined to a living room/kitchen space so we are going to have to get creative with the trick shots and ariels. Holla at us in the comments or on Twitter @BaconSports. You can also start following G-Hunt on Twitter @huntervillechi (he’s a noob) and Marty D @dieffenstrokes.

Rob Cressy

Rob Cressy

Sports loving free throw specialist and yinzer living in Chicago who is awesome most of the time, has run with the bulls in Spain, and is a graduate of Second City's Improv program.