Pop Culture

Your Dog Needs A Bacon Bubble Machine

By September 29, 2014June 18th, 2018No Comments

bacon-dog-bubblesDogs know how delicious bacon is. Open a package of Beggin Strips and your four legged friend is likely to go into some sort of holy ghost explosion of bacon excitement. Well the people in charge of making sure that dogs have more fun thought that since dog loves bacon and they also love bubbles that they’d combine the two to create an awesome product. Say hello to the Bubbletastic Bacon Bubble Machine.


For only $50 your dog can have the time of their life trying to eat bacon scented bubbles. If you need further proof that dogs love bacon bubbles then take a look at this dog, Emma. She’s doing her thing with the Bacon Bubble Machine and when her Mom stops the bubbles she barks and tells her what’s up (translated: keep those bacon bubble flowin yo.)


Get the Bubbletatic Bacon Bubble Machine on Amazon here.

Rob Cressy

Rob Cressy

Sports loving free throw specialist and yinzer living in Chicago who is awesome most of the time, has run with the bulls in Spain, and is a graduate of Second City's Improv program.