
Tweets About Jay Cutler’s Dumpster Fire MNF Performance

By December 16, 2014June 18th, 2018No Comments


Jay Cutler is the gift that keeps on giving depending on which side you are on. For Bears fans and many fantasy football owners, his 3 INT performance last night was a dumpster fire of Jeff George proportions. For others, like fantasy owners playing against him in the second round of their playoffs, he was a sight more beautiful than Kate Upton’s Sports Illustrated Rookie Photoshoot video.

Here’s a look at some of the best, worst, and everything in between tweets about Jay Cutler.

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Rob Cressy

Rob Cressy

Sports loving free throw specialist and yinzer living in Chicago who is awesome most of the time, has run with the bulls in Spain, and is a graduate of Second City's Improv program.