
John Wall Wilboning in a Redskins Jersey

By September 15, 2014June 18th, 2018No Comments


Apparently John Wall has a custom Redskins jersey and he thinks it’s a good idea to Wilbon that shit (aka Wilboning – rocking a jersey tucked in).

I get that John Wall wants to be all GQ but rocking a jersey ain’t the time to do that. Rocking a jersey is the time to rep your sports fandom and if you tuck it you look like a huge tool. I would accept someone drinking Bud Ice or a Redskins fan rocking a #69 FREDDYKRUGR jersey more easily than I would someone who’s Wilboning.

Let’s help stop the abuse. #freejohnwallsjersey

H/T to @_RJ3 for the jersey pic.

Rob Cressy

Rob Cressy

Sports loving free throw specialist and yinzer living in Chicago who is awesome most of the time, has run with the bulls in Spain, and is a graduate of Second City's Improv program.